How to Trigger Rerender if the `ref` Object Has Changed: A Comprehensive Guide
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How to Trigger Rerender if the `ref` Object Has Changed: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you stuck with a React app that refuses to rerender when the `ref` object changes? Well, you’re in luck because this article is here to help! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of React refs, explore why they can be tricky to work with, and provide clear instructions on how to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes.

What is a `ref` Object in React?

In React, a `ref` object is a way to access and manipulate DOM nodes or React elements. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to perform tasks that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with props and state alone. refs are created using the `createRef()` method or the `useRef()` hook, and they can be used to store a reference to a DOM node, a React element, or even a function.

import { createRef } from 'react';

const inputRef = createRef();

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <input ref={inputRef} type="text" />

Why Won’t My Component Rerender When the `ref` Object Changes?

So, you’ve created a `ref` object and updated its value, but your component isn’t rerendering as expected. What’s going on? The reason for this behavior lies in how React handles state changes.

In React, a component will only rerender when its props or state change. However, a `ref` object is not part of the component’s state or props, so updating it won’t trigger a rerender by default. This is because refs are meant to be a way to access and manipulate DOM nodes or React elements directly, rather than being a source of truth for your component’s state.

How to Trigger Rerender When the `ref` Object Changes

Now that we understand why our component isn’t rerendering, let’s explore the different ways to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes. We’ll cover three approaches: using the `useEffect()` hook, creating a new state, and using a library like `react-hooks-global-state`.

Approach 1: Using the `useEffect()` Hook

The `useEffect()` hook is a powerful tool for running side effects in functional components. By using it in conjunction with the `ref` object, we can trigger a rerender when the ref changes.

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const inputRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Update the ref object
    inputRef.current.value = 'New value';

    // Trigger a rerender
    inputRef.current.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
  }, [inputRef]);

  return (
      <input ref={inputRef} type="text" />

In this example, we create a `ref` object using the `useRef()` hook and update its value inside the `useEffect()` hook. By dispatching a synthetic `input` event, we trigger a rerender of the component.

Approach 2: Creating a New State

Another approach is to create a new state that’s tied to the `ref` object. By updating the state when the ref changes, we can trigger a rerender.

import { useState, useRef } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
  const inputRef = useRef(null);

  const handleInputValueChange = () => {
    // Update the state

  return (

In this example, we create a new state `inputValue` and update it when the `ref` object changes. By using the `inputValue` state as the `value` prop for the `input` element, we trigger a rerender when the state changes.

Approach 3: Using a Library like `react-hooks-global-state`

If you’re working with a large application or a complex state management system, using a library like `react-hooks-global-state` can be a good option. This library provides a way to create a global state that can be accessed and updated from anywhere in your application.

import { useGlobalState } from 'react-hooks-global-state';

function MyComponent() {
  const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useGlobalState('inputValue', '');

  const inputRef = useRef(null);

  const handleInputValueChange = () => {
    // Update the global state

  return (

In this example, we use the `useGlobalState()` hook from `react-hooks-global-state` to create a global state `inputValue`. By updating the global state when the `ref` object changes, we can trigger a rerender of the component.

Best Practices for Working with `ref` Objects

Now that we’ve covered the different ways to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes, let’s discuss some best practices for working with `ref` objects:

  • Use `ref` objects sparingly**: `ref` objects should only be used when necessary, such as when working with third-party libraries or when direct access to a DOM node is required.
  • Keep `ref` objects up-to-date**: Make sure to update your `ref` objects when the underlying DOM node or React element changes.
  • Avoid using `ref` objects as a source of truth**: Instead of storing state in a `ref` object, use React’s state management system (e.g., `useState()` or `useReducer()`) to store and manage your application’s state.
  • Test your code thoroughly**: When working with `ref` objects, make sure to test your code thoroughly to ensure that it’s working as expected.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of React refs, discussed why they can be tricky to work with, and provided clear instructions on how to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of working with `ref` objects in React.

Approach Description
Using the `useEffect()` Hook Use the `useEffect()` hook to update the `ref` object and trigger a rerender.
Creating a New State Create a new state that’s tied to the `ref` object and update it when the ref changes.
Using a Library like `react-hooks-global-state` Use a library like `react-hooks-global-state` to create a global state that can be accessed and updated from anywhere in your application.

Remember, the key to working with `ref` objects is to understand how they fit into React’s state management system and to use them sparingly and judiciously. By following the approaches outlined in this article, you’ll be able to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes and build more robust and maintainable React applications.

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the secrets of triggering rerender when the `ref` object has changed!

How do I trigger a rerender when the `ref` object has changed?

You can trigger a rerender by using the `useState` hook to update the state of your component when the `ref` object changes. For example, `const [rerender, setRerender] = useState(false);` and then `setRerender(!rerender)` when the `ref` object changes.

Can I use the `useEffect` hook to trigger a rerender?

Yes, you can use the `useEffect` hook to trigger a rerender when the `ref` object changes. Just pass the `ref` object as a dependency to the effect and update the state of your component when the effect runs. For example, `useEffect(() => { setRerender(!rerender) }, [ref]);`

What if I’m using a class component instead of a functional component?

No problem! In a class component, you can trigger a rerender by calling `this.forceUpdate()` when the `ref` object changes. This will update the component’s state and trigger a rerender.

Is it a good practice to trigger a rerender manually?

Generally, it’s not recommended to trigger a rerender manually unless it’s absolutely necessary. React is designed to handle rerenders automatically when the state or props of a component change. Manual rerenders can lead to performance issues and make your code harder to debug.

What are some alternatives to triggering a rerender manually?

Instead of triggering a rerender manually, you can try to optimize your component’s state and props to reduce the need for manual rerenders. You can also use React’s built-in features like `shouldComponentUpdate` or `React.memo` to control when a component rerenders.