Should I use Query or Select with Drizzle ORM? A Comprehensive Guide
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Should I use Query or Select with Drizzle ORM? A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head whenever you need to decide between using Query or Select with Drizzle ORM? You’re not alone! Many developers struggle to understand the differences between these two powerful tools. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Drizzle ORM and explore the benefits and use cases of Query and Select, so you can make informed decisions and write more efficient code.

What is Drizzle ORM?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s quickly cover the basics. Drizzle ORM is a popular Node.js ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library that allows developers to interact with relational databases using a simple and intuitive API. Drizzle provides a robust and flexible way to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your database, making it a favorite among developers.

Query vs Select: The Basics

Query and Select are two fundamental methods in Drizzle ORM that allow you to retrieve data from your database. While they share some similarities, they have distinct differences in their approach and usage.

Query Method

The Query method is a flexible and powerful way to execute custom SQL queries on your database. It provides a low-level interface to interact with your database, giving you full control over the query execution. With the Query method, you can execute complex queries, including joins, subqueries, and aggregations.

const drizzle = require('drizzle-orm');

const user = drizzle.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18');

Select Method

The Select method, on the other hand, is a higher-level abstraction that provides a simpler way to retrieve data from your database. It’s primarily used for fetching data from a single table or view, and it’s optimized for performance and ease of use. The Select method is ideal for simple queries that don’t require complex joins or aggregations.

const drizzle = require('drizzle-orm');

const user ='users', '*').where('age > 18');

When to Use Query

So, when should you use the Query method? Here are some scenarios where Query is the better choice:

  • Complex Queries: If you need to execute complex queries with multiple joins, subqueries, or aggregations, the Query method is the way to go. It provides the flexibility to write custom SQL queries that cater to your specific needs.
  • Ad-hoc Queries: When you need to execute one-off queries or perform data analysis, the Query method is a good fit. It allows you to quickly write and execute ad-hoc queries without the need for elaborate setup or configuration.
  • Performance-Critical Scenarios: In scenarios where performance is critical, the Query method can be more efficient. By writing custom SQL queries, you can optimize the query execution and reduce the overhead of ORM abstraction.

When to Use Select

So, when should you use the Select method? Here are some scenarios where Select is the better choice:

  • Simple Queries: For simple queries that retrieve data from a single table or view, the Select method is a more convenient and efficient choice. It abstracts away the underlying SQL query, making it easier to write and maintain.
  • ORM Best Practices: When following ORM best practices, the Select method is a better fit. It encourages a more declarative programming style, where you define what you want to retrieve rather than how to retrieve it.
  • Code Readability: The Select method improves code readability by abstracting away the underlying SQL query. It makes your code more concise and easier to understand, reducing the cognitive load on your fellow developers.

Comparison of Query and Select

To help you make an informed decision, let’s compare the Query and Select methods in more detail:

Feature Query Select
Flexibility High
Complexity Higher Lower
ORM Abstraction Low High
Performance Variable Optimized
Code Readability Lower Higher

Best Practices

To get the most out of Drizzle ORM, follow these best practices:

  1. Use Select for Simple Queries: For simple queries that retrieve data from a single table or view, use the Select method. It’s more efficient and easier to maintain.
  2. Use Query for Complex Queries: For complex queries with multiple joins, subqueries, or aggregations, use the Query method. It provides the flexibility to write custom SQL queries that cater to your specific needs.
  3. Keep Your Queries Simple: Try to keep your queries as simple as possible. Avoid complex queries that can be broken down into simpler ones. This will improve performance and maintainability.
  4. Use ORM Abstraction: Take advantage of Drizzle ORM’s abstraction layer to simplify your code and improve readability. Use the Select method and other ORM features to write more concise and maintainable code.


In conclusion, the decision to use Query or Select with Drizzle ORM depends on your specific needs and requirements. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each method, you can write more efficient and maintainable code. Remember to follow best practices, keep your queries simple, and take advantage of Drizzle ORM’s abstraction layer to simplify your code.

So, the next time you’re faced with the decision to use Query or Select, you’ll know exactly which one to choose. Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code with 5 questions and answers about “Should I use Query or Select with Drizzle ORM?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about using Query or Select with Drizzle ORM

What’s the main difference between Query and Select in Drizzle ORM?

Query is a generic interface for executing database queries, while Select is a specific type of query that retrieves data from the database. If you need to execute a custom query, use Query. If you need to retrieve data, use Select.

When should I use Query over Select in Drizzle ORM?

Use Query when you need to execute a custom query that doesn’t fit into the Select, Insert, Update, or Delete patterns. This might include queries that perform aggregations, use stored procedures, or execute DML statements.

Can I use Query for simple CRUD operations?

While it’s technically possible, it’s not recommended. Drizzle ORM provides higher-level abstractions like Select, Insert, Update, and Delete for CRUD operations. These abstractions provide better type safety, automatic SQL generation, and other benefits.

How do I know which one to use in a specific situation?

Ask yourself: “Am I retrieving data?” If yes, use Select. “Am I executing a custom query that doesn’t fit into the CRUD patterns?” If yes, use Query. If you’re still unsure, consult the Drizzle ORM documentation or seek help from the community.

Are there any performance differences between Query and Select?

In general, there’s no significant performance difference between Query and Select. Both interfaces are optimized for performance. However, Select might be slightly faster since it can take advantage of caching and other optimizations provided by Drizzle ORM.

Note: The answers are fictional and provided for illustration purposes only. Please consult the official Drizzle ORM documentation for accurate information.

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