Karate.Runner Execution with Multiple Tags and Features: A Comprehensive Guide
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Karate.Runner Execution with Multiple Tags and Features: A Comprehensive Guide

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Karate is an open-source test automation framework that allows you to execute tests in parallel using the Karate.Runner class. In this article, we will delve into the karate.runner execution with multiple tags and features, providing you with clear and direct instructions on how to utilize this powerful tool.

Understanding Karate.Runner

Karate.Runner is a Java-based class that enables you to run Karate tests in parallel. It provides a flexible way to execute tests using various tags, folders, and features. With Karate.Runner, you can scale your test execution and reduce the overall testing time.

Benefits of Using Karate.Runner

  • Execute tests in parallel, reducing testing time
  • Run tests with multiple tags and features
  • Flexibility to configure test execution
  • Easy integration with CI/CD pipelines

Setting Up Karate.Runner

To use Karate.Runner, you need to have Karate installed on your system. If you haven’t installed Karate yet, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Karate zip file from the official website
  2. Extract the zip file to a directory on your system
  3. Add the Karate bin directory to your system’s PATH environment variable

Once you have Karate installed, you can create a Java class to execute Karate tests using Karate.Runner.

import com.intuit.karate.Runner;
import com.intuit.karate.Results;

public class KarateRunner {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Results results = Runner.path("classpath:features").tags("~@ignore").parallel(5);

Executing Tests with Multiple Tags

Karate.Runner allows you to execute tests with multiple tags. Tags are used to categorize tests based on specific criteria such as functional areas, components, or environments. You can use the `tags` method to specify one or more tags to execute.

Results results = Runner.path("classpath:features").tags("@smoke, @ regression").parallel(5);

In the above example, the `tags` method specifies two tags: `@smoke` and `@regression`. Only tests with either of these tags will be executed.

Excluding Tests with Tags

You can also use the `tags` method to exclude tests with specific tags. To do this, prefix the tag with a tilde (~) character.

Results results = Runner.path("classpath:features").tags("~@ignore, ~@ ui").parallel(5);

In the above example, the `tags` method specifies two tags: `~@ignore` and `~@ui`. Tests with either of these tags will be excluded from execution.

Executing Tests with Features

Karate.Runner allows you to execute tests with specific features. Features are used to group related tests together. You can use the `feature` method to specify one or more features to execute.

Results results = Runner.path("classpath:features").feature("login.feature, payment.feature").parallel(5);

In the above example, the `feature` method specifies two features: `login.feature` and `payment.feature`. Only tests within these features will be executed.

Configuring KarateRunner

Karate.Runner provides various configuration options to customize test execution. You can use the `config` method to specify configuration options.

Runner.Options options = new Runner.Options();
options.config("karate.config", "src/test/resources/karate-config.js");

Results results = Runner.path("classpath:features").tags("@smoke").config(options).parallel(5);

In the above example, the `config` method specifies a configuration file `karate-config.js` located in the `src/test/resources` directory.

Integrating with CI/CD Pipelines

Karate.Runner can be easily integrated with CI/CD pipelines, allowing you to automate test execution as part of your continuous integration and delivery process.

CI/CD Tool Integration Example
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'java -cp target/test-classes:target/dependency/* com.intuit.karate.Runner'
GitLab CI/CD
stage: test
- java -cp target/test-classes:target/dependency/* com.intuit.karate.Runner

In the above examples, the Karate.Runner is executed as part of the CI/CD pipeline, allowing you to automate test execution and report generation.


In this article, we have covered the karate.runner execution with multiple tags and features. We have discussed the benefits of using Karate.Runner, setting up Karate.Runner, executing tests with multiple tags, excluding tests with tags, executing tests with features, configuring KarateRunner, and integrating with CI/CD pipelines. By following the instructions and examples provided, you can leverage the power of Karate.Runner to execute your tests efficiently and effectively.

Remember to explore the official Karate documentation and GitHub repository for more information on Karate.Runner and its features.

Here are 5 questions and answers about “karate.Runner execution with multiple tags and features” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to kick-start your karate testing with these frequently asked questions about karate.Runner execution with multiple tags and features!

Can I run karate tests with multiple tags?

Absolutely! You can specify multiple tags separated by commas when running karate tests. For example, `karate-runner -t @smoke,@regression` will run tests with either the `@smoke` or `@regression` tag. This makes it easy to group and execute tests based on specific scenarios or environments.

How do I exclude certain tests when running karate with multiple tags?

Easy peasy! When running karate tests with multiple tags, you can exclude specific tests by prefixing them with a minus sign (-). For example, `karate-runner -t @smoke,@regression,-@broken` will run tests with either the `@smoke` or `@regression` tag, but exclude tests with the `@broken` tag. This is super handy when you want to isolate and debug particular tests.

Can I use karate.Runner with multiple features and scenarios?

You bet! karate.Runner allows you to specify multiple features and scenarios when running tests. For example, `karate-runner -f feature1.feature,feature2.feature -s scenario1,scenario2` will run the specified scenarios from both `feature1.feature` and `feature2.feature` files. This makes it easy to execute specific tests or groups of tests based on your project requirements.

How do I customize the output of karate.Runner when running with multiple tags and features?

Karate provides several options to customize the output of karate.Runner. For example, you can use the `-r` option to specify a report output file, or the `-o` option to customize the output format (e.g., JSON, XML, or HTML). You can also use the `-v` option to increase the verbosity of the output. By combining these options, you can tailor the output to suit your testing needs.

Are there any limitations when using karate.Runner with multiple tags and features?

While karate.Runner is extremely flexible, there are a few limitations to keep in mind. For example, when using multiple tags, karate will run tests with all the specified tags, but it won’t guarantee the order of execution. Additionally, when running tests with multiple features and scenarios, karate will execute them in the order they’re specified on the command line. Just keep these limitations in mind when crafting your testing strategy!

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